Saturday, January 22, 2011

Deployment Survival Tips

Using all your protective gear, tactical eyewear, gloves and the right boots to keep yourself safe are the basics - but what can you do to help a long deployment go by as quickly as possible?

Learn for Free

The military pays for your education as long as you're in - as long as you can access an Internet connection a couple of times a week, you can work toward a college degree and fight off boredom when you're not busy running missions, training or maintaining your tactical equipment.

Alleviate Stress

Deployment is stressful, whether you feel like it is or not. Many deployed troops turn to the gym, team sports and spending time with friends to help relieve the daily stresses of deployments.

Make Time for Friends

All work and no play isn't good for anybody. Even if your FOB, COB or camp doesn't have a fully-equipped MWR or entertainment facilities, make time to hang out with friends and get away from the constant work mentality.


You're away from your family and friends back home, and you may not have the ability to communicate with them as much as you'd like. If it helps you, make a video journal and communicate with your friends and family as if you're speaking to them.

Break up the Monotony

There are hundreds of websites packed with volunteers begging to send care packages and friendly notes to deployed troops. The people who participate in those programs are on your side and they want to help ease your deployment - so let them. You and your family can visit Soldiers' Angels, Love Boxes for Troops and many other organizations online.

Interact with your Troops

If you're an NCO with subordinates, your troops will appreciate any time you spend with them. While you can't fraternize, you can organize team activities and help them study for promotion boards, maintain or upgrade their tactical gear or just sit down and talk. Your time and effort will work wonders for morale and increase teamwork throughout the deployment.

Ask for Help

If you're having a difficult time dealing with the stresses of deployment, please don't hesitate to reach out to a friend, a supervisor or a military chaplain. Chaplains are experts at confidentiality, and many are disappointed that more troops don't take advantage of their availability.

Don't Get Discouraged

Unfortunately, the media sometimes focuses on the downside of combat operations, and that can wear on our deployed troops. Don't forget that there are millions of Americans who support you during your deployment; we all know you're heroes doing the right thing over there.

Patriot Outfitters salutes you and your families for the sacrifices you're making for our freedom - and we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a true Patriot.

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